TCR’s English section is being shut down?

After the long time of inactivity and the lack of time from the main admin to maintain the page, TCR’s admin decided to make an announcment to the people in GCO.

If you ever heard any rumours about it, I give you this announcement.

Dear followers of The Countryballs Report,

It’s the admin of this page, Bulgarbek.

You may know how it all started. Most of you probably know this was supposed to be a project. Nothing more. I even said that if this thing survives more than 3 months, it will be impossible. Looks like we have been together for like more than a year.

I can’t say i was unhappy here- I had the best staff. People like the Angry Ember, Taxcy, Ellioxa and Luis have done freaking much for this page to be good. Thanks to them you have received news about the community, interviews with many Countryballers and another awesome content.

I has difficulties setting it all up, but it was worth it. I had lots of arguements about this page; sometimes I received blames that it was biased; others said it was my machine to set people against eachother and to gain power.

Truth is I and my staff did all of this for the community. We are not paid to do this. We are not told to do something for someone, this never happened.

So, now to the present. Guys, you may not be happy to hear it, but the English Section of The Countryballs Report will be shut down at 31st of March 2020. I will still post some things, but after this day you won’t see anything here. The website will stay, the Facebook page aswell, the Spanish Section, made by Taxcy, will continue working. If you have news for the Spanish community to tell, pm our page, Taxcy will be always able to respond.

Thank you for being part of this journey!

Sincerely yours, Bulgarbek.

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